About our Hi-Oak Brown Chickens

Breed Origin: USA
Uses: Egg Layer Domestic & Commercial
Weight: Hen: 1.85 - 2Kg. 
Hen Colour: Gingery Brown
Egg Colour: Tinted brown 
Av egg weight: 62.5g
Egg Quantity: 310 per Annum

These are friendly, inquisitive, relaxed birds and not at all flighty, they are a joy to keep. 

About our birds:

The Hi-Oak Brown is a hybrid hen bought in as day-old chicks from either the Hy-line or Joice & hill hatcheries. We raise these birds in exactly the same environment as our rare breeds. It is one of the world’s best brown egg layers. They begin to lay around 19-20 weeks old and starts to lay with some of the largest size pullet eggs we’ve ever seen. The birds have been brought up outdoors from an early age and they are fully hardened to our weather in the North of England. They are great free rangers but are equally happy in a small coop.

Interesting to know:

The Hybrid is based on the Rhode Island Red which was developed in America in 1854 and is probably one of the most successful chicken breeds in the world. They are amazing egg layers.