About Our Hamburg Chickens

Breed Origin: Northern Europe Mixed between England and Holland
Uses: Egg Layer Domestic 
Weight:Large Fowl: Cock 1.8- 2.25Kg  Hen 1.6-1.8Kg. 
Bantam: Cock: 680-790g Hen: 620-740g
Egg Colour: White  
Egg Quantity Large fowl: 200 per Annum small/medium egg 
Breed Colours: Silver Spangled, Gold Pencilled, Silver Pencilled, Gold Spangled, Black.
Colours available on the Farm: Large Fowl (L/F) Silver Spangled

The Silver Spangled Hamburg is an alert bird. They are small-size chickens, with light, sweeping, graceful outlines and are elegant and beautiful. They are consistent layers, have a bright cheerfulness when foraging. They love a free-range setting but are also fine in a medium size coop.  

About our birds:

The Hamburgs on our farm originated, a number of years ago, from the eggs of a well know exhibitor and judge Ian Allonby. We have a small breeding flock and we hatch all our stock on the farm for each new season. They are one of our most popular breeds for hatching eggs and pullet sales but are very limited in their availability. 

Useful to know: 

There are numerous stories of where this breed originated and most are centred round the Netherlands and England but what is know in the UK is that the spangled were bred in Yorkshire and Lancashire three hundred years ago as Pheasants and Mooneys, and there is a book reference to black Pheasants in the North of England in 1702.
The Dutch refer to the breed as Hollands Hoen (Dutch Fowl) They were such prolific layers of medium-sized white eggs that they were referred to as the "Dutch Everyday Layer." This is an economical breed to keep as they eat less than most breeds. 

The Silver Spangled Hamburg has lustrous, greenish black spangles on silvery white plumage giving them a perky polk-a-dot look. With neat rose combs, white ear lobes, and leaden blue shanks and toes, these are excellent small chickens when it comes to both beauty and utility. Baby chicks are a silver grey with parallel dark and light stripes on the back.