How To Hold A Chicken Correctly

You might be lucky enough to have some birds that will come when you call with treats and have no complaints to being held. However, we all know that this is not always the case. Some birds just do not like to be picked up so flap their wings and kick. This can risk injury to the bird and to the handler, so here’s a brief guide on how to do it properly and safely for you and the bird.

·         Once you’ve caught the chicken, gently but firmly grab the bird with both hands- one hand over each wing so that she can’t flap her wings.

·         Manipulate the bird so that she is facing away from you.

·         Tuck her between your ribs and upper arm. This prevents flapping and helps keep the bird calm.

·         If she’s still trying to kick, hold her legs between your fingers on the hand that is pining her body between your ribs and arm.

This hold leaves your other hand free to stroke the bird and search for parasites and the general health of the bird.

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